الطلبات بتطلع كل احد وخميس .. التوصيل بيأخد ٢-٦ يوم حسب الولايه

ROUND LAB 1025 Dokdo Toner 200mL

Regular price 21,000.00 SD

- Water-type texture. Absorbs into skin instantly with no sticky finish.

- Deep-sea water helps keep the skin's moisture balance: pure and highly concentrated 72 types of nature-derived minerals(magnesium, calcium, zinc) through patented mineral water manufacturing technology using membrane filters.

- Our patented technology, Hatching EX-07, controls excess sebum and efficiently exfoliates grime, and dry and dead skin cells.

- Panthenol, Allantoin, and Betaine provide soothing care for tired and irritated skin.